Selected Publications and Relevant Literature
Q-Metrx actively carries out research and publishes on topics relevant to clinical neuroscience and psychology.
Fava et al. (2016) A Phase 1B, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, multiple-dose escalation study of NSI-189 phosphate, a neurogenic compound, in depressed patients. Molecular Psychiatry.
Brett A. English et al. (2014) Use of translational pharmacodynamic biomarkers in early-phase clinical studies for schizophrenia. Biomarkers Med.
Nations et al. (2012) Examination of Org 26576, an AMPA receptor positive allosteric modultor, in patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder: an exploratory, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Psychopharmacology.
Shambroom, J.R., Fabregas, S.E. and Johnston, J. (2011) Validation of an automated wireless system to monitor sleep in healthy adults. Journal of Sleep Research.
Johnstone, J. and Lunt, J. (2011) Use of Quantitative EEG to Predict Therapeutic Outcome in Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation Techniques and Applications.
Johnstone J. and Gunkelman, J. (2003) Use of Databases in QEEG Evaluation. Journal of Neurotherapy.